[Spoiler warning for both the HBO show and the books by George R. R. Martin.]
(I know I’ve just warned you about spoilers, but I’m doing it one more time for good measure. Okay?)
Game of Thrones has found its stride in Season 3. Seasons one and two were both good, but the third has been some of the best television I’ve ever watched.I’m riveted by nearly every scene, and Sunday night’s episode is no exception.
‘Kissed by Fire’ is an episode filled with flame and heat—from the red of Ygritte’s hair to their first kiss (“You know nothing Jon Snow,” she tells him before realizing he may know a thing or two); from the fiery blade of Beric Dondarrion, to the prayers of Lady Selyse, Lord Stannis Baratheon’s zealous wife; from the steaming cave pools north of the wall, to the bath houses of Harrenhal. Fire everywhere, in hearts and stone and steel.
It was wildfire that stole the show, however. Jaime’s delirious soliloquy as he bathed with Brienne of Tarth was one of the strongest moments in the show so far. His revelation to Brienne that the Mad King had stored wildfire throughout King’s Landing and had planned to burn that city and all its inhabitants rather than surrender to Tywin and Robert casts his part in Aerys’s death in a whole new light.
“Help, the Kingslayer!” Brienne calls as he begins to swoon.
“Jaime,” he replies. “My name is Jaime.”
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau has played pretty much the perfect Jaime so far, but tonight he took the role to a new level entirely. He’s managed the suave, witty, irreverent knight exceedingly well, and he looks the part. Tonight’s episode showed not only a deeper side of the character, but just how powerful Coster-Waldau’s performance in Game of Thrones really is. I think I held my breath through half the story.
The episode began with a fight to the death between Brotherhood Without Banners chieftain Beric Dondarrion and Sandor “The Hound” Clegane.
I feel a little bad for Sandor, whose monster of a brother burned him as a child leaving him deathly afraid of fire. The next worst thing after a bay of wildfire is a blade kissed by fire.
Thoros of Myr’s Lord of Light must have felt bad, too, because Sandor wins, slicing his blade clean through Dondarrion’s shoulder.
Of course, Thoros is a holy monk, a red priest, and in some ways I suspect he’s more a true priest to his God than the Red Lady, Melisandre. At least he doesn’t burn people alive, or make grand promises about Beric being the Chosen One.
Perhaps I say that simply because I actually like Thoros and have a strong dislike of Melisandre. The entire Brotherhood is a storyline I’d love to see lots more of, because it’s filled with characters I like in a show (and series of books) with far too few likable characters.
Then again, not only doe sThoros not burn people, he also raises people from the dead. He’s brought back Beric six times. Dondarrion jokes that he’s been killed more than once by a Clegane now. Arya doesn’t appear to be amused.
She asks Thoros if he can bring back someone who has had their head cut off.
“I don’t think it works that way, child,” the priest replies. Nothing ever quite works the way Arya wants it to.

In the north we have yet another brief scene with Jon Snow, whose storyline has taken something of a backseat as he traverses the frozen landscape of Hoth with the wildlings.
I joke, of course, but there is something Hoth-like about the snowy expanses north of the wall. I keep wanting them to mount their tauntauns and get this long trek over with. Even a steamy sex scene can’t alter the fact that nothing is going on with Jon’s story. Why not devote a bigger chunk of one episode to these tangled stories up north? Bran, Sam, and Jon all need a bit more screen time, and we need to see it all happen at once.
Don’t get me wrong, the politics south of the wall are great. We have Robb Stark proving he’s his father’s true-born son by sticking to his honor rather than listening to the advice of his counsel. In one very literal fell swoop he dispatches half his armies to the north. Loosing heads and losing heads are apparently skills linked quite closely by stubbornness and pride.
Ultimately, rather than listening to his wife, his mother, or his uncle, Robb comes upon his own brilliant plan: to take Casterly Rock, home of the Lannisters. And to do that, he’ll need to go crawling back on hands and knees to Lord Frey whose daughter, he reminds us, he’d promised to marry. Which reminds me: perhaps he’s not quite Ned Stark’s son after all. Eddard would never have turned his back on such a promise, and certainly not for love.
The things we do for love….
Further south we have Tywin plotting against the Tyrells, maneuvering Sansa Stark into the reluctant arms of Tyrion “The Imp” Lannister, and Cersei into the even more reluctant arms of Loras Tyrell, who Littlefinger is spying on. (On a side note, the spying-on scene leads to quite possibly the twentieth bare buttocks we see this episode, which seemed determined to moon audiences at every opportunity.)
Tywin’s plotting is a great example of the King’s Hand letting his ruthlessness get the better of his judgment. Giving up Sansa to the Tyrells could have been a reasonable way to extricate himself from both her and the north rather than somehow thinking that he could seat a Lannister in Winterfell and get away with it. The Tyrells could have worked their magic on the northerners, no doubt, in ways poor Tyrion would never be able to do.
Meanwhile, Tywin surely could have secured a better alliance than he would by doubling down on Highgarden. Isn’t marrying Joffrey to Margaery enough? Can the ties that bind really wind any tighter?
One imagines an alliance with Dorne, for instance, would have been better. And Tywin could use it as an excuse to send Cersei away—south to Dorne, where Tyrion has already sent her daughter, Myrcella.

The scene between the Queen of Thorns and Tyrion was yet another lovely illustration of the Tyrell’s rather more skilled approach to managing the public than their Lannister counterparts, and a nice juxtaposition to the Lannister family gathering. It’s nice to see the chess pieces move, and not just the blades fly.
But forget King’s Landing. Things will get more interesting there soon enough.
Let’s fly south—south, but mostly east, past the Free Cities to Slaver’s Bay, where Daenerys Targaryen is trying still to make free men of the Unsullied. She is Khaleesi now of a horseless army of unmanned men whose brutal training has left them only part human.
More interesting than her efforts are the squabbling of Jorah Mormont and Ser Barristan Selmy, who reminds Jorah that back in Westeros he’s a disgraced man—an exile, banned for his selling of slaves in a land where slavery is outlawed. Selmy doesn’t quite say as much, but he suggests that perhaps Jorah’s days as Dany’s right-hand-man are limited.
Unsurprisingly, Jorah seems to disagree.
I’m still wondering where this all goes given the very different way the show has handled the matter.
Wherever it goes, I’ll be watching. I’m firmly under the show’s spell at this point, whether in the icy north or the dusty sun of Slaver’s Bay. HBO has brought life many of the characters from the books who felt too flat, and have stayed true to the characters who were already fleshed out in the books. I do think the north is suffering a bit from neglect at this point, and has been for some time, but I have faith that much of that will change either in the second half of this season, or in Season 4.
Either way, this is television not to be missed. It’s quickly becoming one of my top shows of all time, right up there with Breaking Bad as dramas nobody should have the misfortune of missing.
Source: http://www.forbes.com
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